Textiles & Quilting

Disappearing Act: Butterflies in Free Motion Embroidery on Water Soluble Fabric

From: £60.00

Saturday 7th June

10.00AM to 4.00PM

Come along and experiment with free motion embroidery and water soluble fabric to create textile treasures from thread!

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In the workshop we’ll explore how we can use free motion embroidery and water soluble fabric to create beautiful butterflies from thread. This is an ideal ‘next step’ workshop for those with some experience of free motion embroidery looking to further develop their skills and explore new materials. Plenty of guidance, advice and help will be available along with templates. You are welcome to bring your own sewing machine or use one of Shambellie’s machines.



Your Tutor

Your Tutor

Helen Walsh

For further information visit:

Helen Walsh is an Artist and Creative Practitioner specialising in drawing and textiles, in particular embroidery. She is continually fascinated by the natural world and our connection to it. She is particularly interested in birds and their feathers and uses them as symbols in her work to explore the human desire to transcend. Choosing to work predominantly with natural fibres such as silk and linen Helen finds herself consistently drawn to traditional textile skills such as embroidery, knitting and dyeing and enjoys the connections with the often forgotten makers of the past that working this way gives her. Helen is a skilled and experienced workshop leader and works on a variety of community and education based arts projects working with a diverse range of people in a variety of settings. Helen’s aim is to enable people to unlock and explore their creativity.

About the Day

The workshop will take place from 10am – 4pm and refreshments will be provided throughout the day including tea/coffee and lunch.

This workshop is in the gallery which is on the second floor and only accessible by stairs. Please let us know if you have access requirements as we may be able to use an alternative, accessible room in the house.


Kit and Requirements

Kit and Requirements:

Sewing Machine
Darning foot for your sewing machine (sometimes called an embroidery foot) and a darning plate if you can’t lower the feed dogs on your machine
Embroidery hoop
Machine embroidery threads if you have them

I will have spares of everything which you are welcome to use and plenty of materials. There is a charge of £3 per person for materials. 

If you have answered yes and would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.