Textiles & Quilting

Make a Quirky Bird

From: £60.00

saturday 10th May

10am until 4pm

Come along and learn how to create a beautiful and unique quirky bird soft sculpture!

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In this fun and highly creative session we’ll explore how to create a quirky and characterful soft sculpture of a bird. Starting from Helen’s pattern we’ll create our soft sculptures from fabric, adding character with beads, buttons and fabric choices. We’ll also learn how to create wire legs for our birds and how to balance them, allowing them to become free standing sculptures. Some basic sewing experience is useful for this session but you’ll be guided and supported through the whole process.

Kit and Requirements

Materials will be provided but please bring your sewing machine (or you can borrow one of Shambellie’s) and if you have a specific fabric you would like to use you can bring that too. The fabric needs to be something non stretch and ideally not too thick; quilting cotton is ideal. You can also bring any special beads or buttons you’d like to use but again, I will provide plenty!


£8 to cover materials used, this includes the stuffing for the birds and the wires and tapes we’ll be using.

Please note this is not suitable for beginners and some experience is necessary. 

About the Day

The workshop will take place in the Drawing Room at Shambellie House starting at 10am and finishing around 4pm. There will be refreshment breaks throughout the day and the price includes lunch and all tea/coffee and cake!

An additional £8 is required to cover materials used, this includes the stuffing for the birds and the wires and tapes we’ll be using. 

Please note this is not suitable for beginners and some experience is necessary. 

If you have answered yes and would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.