Annual Subscriptions

Photographers of Shambellie House – Darkroom & Digital Suite Annual Subscription


Annual Subscription Photographers of Shambellie House – Darkroom and Digital suite Access

Subscription to  ‘Photographers Of Shambellie House’  Darkroom & Digital are entitled to book the darkroom or digital suite at Shambellie to trial self directed use at a reduced rate.

Bookings for the facilities can be made here.

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Yearly Subscription for Shambellie House Darkroom and Digital Suite enables you to book the facilities and make use of the darkroom or our digital suite at Shambellie for a reduced rate.

Photographers of Shambellie House – Member rates: £10 half day hire/£15 full day hire

Standard Rates:  £20 per hour / £45 half day / £60 full day.

Due to the small number of staff we have and the costs of running the house, availability is limited to when the house is open and staff. The facilities will not be available when workshops are taking place in darkroom or digital suite.

The facilities are generally available at the following times:

  • Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm
  • Evenings and weekends when workshops are taking place.



You will be required to attend an induction session at Shambellie House prior to using the facilities.

Click here to book an induction. 

When you hire the darkroom facilities you will supply your own chemicals and paper.

Safety Procedures

Download a copy Darkroom Safety Version 1.1 August 23


If you have answered yes and would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.