Photography & Film

Photography – Exploring the Wonderful Worlds of Cyanotypes and Argyrotypes

From: £80.00

Sunday 9th March

10.00AM to 5.00PM

Have fun exploring the old photographic processes of cyanotypes and argyrotypes using our Shambellie House darkroom and digital suite and enjoying selecting natural materials in our wonderful grounds.

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Join for a fun day learning how to produce Cyanotypes or photo blueprinting.  Cyanotype and Argyrotype are two of the oldest photographic processes, now regarded as ‘alternative processes’. Ricky and Alan will guide you through the process as you use the inspirational surroundings and natural materials at Shambellie to create unique photographic art.  Using U.V. sensitive coatings with combinations of natural materials collected in our wonderful grounds and digital acetates,  you will learn how to create original and unique works by exposure to safe ultra-violet light.

Suitable for all with materials provided and lunch and refreshments included.




Your Tutor

Your Tutor

Alan Bennington

A photographer since 1977, Alan studied photography at Teesside College of Art in Middlesbrough and after qualifying he worked for a number of commercial photographers in the North East of England, Manchester and Hereford before setting up his own operation. This Newcastle based studio grew into one of the most in demand commercial photographers in the UK with a wealth significant roster of major manufacturing companies as long term clients. Add to this the advertising and fashion markets that Alan was working with and we can recognise an all round commercial photographer operating at the top of their game. 

In the mid ‘noughties’ Alan decided on a change of direction, lifestyle and location and applied for a lecturing post at Dumfries & Galloway College. His significant background and experience became a great asset to the college and he took the lead on the HND programme at the college developing new approaches to a strong programme that benefitted many up and coming photographers in the region and beyond.

Retiring from the college in 2018, Alan continues to work on his own self-directed projects.

Alan is a member of the AMO3BA Illustration & Photography Collective.

Your Tutor

Ricky Nolan

A photographer since 1978, Ricky was educated at Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn and moved to Middlebrough to study Interior Design with Fine Art & Graphic Design. While undertaking these studies he found that he enjoyed the creativity afforded by the photography components on the course and subsequently studied photography for a further four years in Newcastle and in Leeds.

On qualifying his first professional job was anything but creative, working for Cleveland Constabulary in evidential photography in their Scientific Aids Department. This did however provide a strong technical grounding in a number of specialist forms of film based photography and processes which would prove beneficial to future employment.

From this technical grounding and returning to Scotland, Ricky then worked in photographic laboratory management and training in Glasgow before taking up a Senior Photographer post with the Scottish Office working in video production, editing, multi-media and television for 4 years before being invited by Dumfries & Galloway College to deliver photography as a service to their fine art and newly established graphic design programmes. Living in Lochmaben this seemed an ideal opportunity and Ricky subsequently developed and ran a new set of photography courses to HND level that received numerous best practice evaluations by reviewers. He also retained a significant folio of private practice.

Ricky subsequently headed up George Street School of Art in Dumfries and the Creative Industries Section.

As a curriculum manager and curriculum designer he developed a host of innovative programmes for the college as he was keen to see interdisciplinary activities in the creative arts. He left in 2017 so that he could focus on his own photographic work.

Ricky is a member of the AMO3BA Illustration & Photography Collective and a Shambellie House Trustee. He will tell you that just as importantly, he is the bass player with local bands Six Hands and Eight Hands.

About the Day

Exploring the Wonderful Worlds of Cyanotypes and Argyrotypes is a full day, starting at 9.30 and finishing around 5pm.

Refreshments will be provided and there will be a break for lunch which is included in the price.

This workshop is in the Darkroom and Digital Suite which is on the second floor. This is only accessible via stairs with no lift access available.

Kit and Requirements

You may like to bring along a selection of digital files on a pen-drive or portable hard drive or download from the cloud on the day although this is not required.

Some time will be spend outdoors collecting materials so please come prepared with sensible footwear and outdoor jackets.

If you have answered yes and would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.