Join for a fun day learning how to produce Cyanotypes or photo blueprinting. Cyanotype and Argyrotype are two of the oldest photographic processes, now regarded as ‘alternative processes’. Ricky and Alan will guide you through the process as you use the inspirational surroundings and natural materials at Shambellie to create unique photographic art. Using U.V. sensitive coatings with combinations of natural materials collected in our wonderful grounds and digital acetates, you will learn how to create original and unique works by exposure to safe ultra-violet light.
Suitable for all with materials provided and lunch and refreshments included.
About the Day
Exploring the Wonderful Worlds of Cyanotypes and Argyrotypes is a full day, starting at 9.30 and finishing around 5pm.
Refreshments will be provided and there will be a break for lunch which is included in the price.
This workshop is in the Darkroom and Digital Suite which is on the second floor. This is only accessible via stairs with no lift access available.
Kit and Requirements
You may like to bring along a selection of digital files on a pen-drive or portable hard drive or download from the cloud on the day although this is not required.
Some time will be spend outdoors collecting materials so please come prepared with sensible footwear and outdoor jackets.