Photography & Film

RPS Scotland South West Photoforum

RPS PhotoForum – Private Event

Saturday 16th November 2024

10.00 AM – 15.30PM


Book Now


Shambellie House is working with The RPS who are holding another Photoforum here, proving opportunities for photographers to share and discuss their work with others. Everyone attending is encouraged to bring along up to 6 pdis prints, or any other presentation of their work, last time someone brought a book. Some attendees will be showing work which they aim to develop into a distinctions panel, others will be bringing work that is developing for other purposes. You just need to have a project that you are happy to share and accept feedback on!

Although this is not an advisory day, we do our very best to ensure that we do have members of some of the RPS panels attending, who will be keen to express views on the work.

So, whether you are an old hand or starting your photographic journey why no join us to see some inspiring work, share some stimulating discussion, and enjoy a good lunch.

The RPS Scotland travelling prints exhibition will be on display at Shambellie, so an extra incentive to come along! It will also be Autumn when the Shambellie gardens and woods look wonderful, so come early and bring a camera!


We aim to provide constructive feedback on portfolios of work, informed by available panel members, following the past experience for Scottish members of a relaxed, informal day.

Format of the event

Photographers are invited to bring along up to six related prints or PDIs to discuss in a friendly supportive environment. Work could be part of a panel, or a project that you are working on, work for an exhibition, or a technique that you are developing. It is not a distinction advisory day, although anyone working towards a distinction might find it useful to discuss their work.


Shambellie House, New Abbey, Dumfries, DG2 8HQ


Price £16.00 including lunch and tea / coffee on arrival.

Non-RPS Members are also welcome, Price £18.00

Bookings CLOSE on the 8th November 2024


Prints can be mounted or not, PDI images to be JPEG sRGB.