Annual Subscriptions

Shambellie House Art Group – Annual Subscription


Annual subscription Shambellie House ARt group

Yearly subscription of  ‘Shambellie House Art Group’  held at Shambellie House on Thursday afternoons.

Catch up, create artwork, relax, learn and enjoy in  lovey surroundings  with welcoming, friendly people.  Meet from 1pm until 4pm, all skill levels and all ages welcome.

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Annul Membership of our friendly and welcoming group of artists giving you reduced rates for the weekly community art group which runs at Shambellie House. Open to everyone,  join in at Shambellie House on Thursday afternoons to catch up, create artwork and relax, learn and enjoy in the lovey surroundings and with welcoming friendly people.  We meet from 1pm until 4pm, all skill levels and all ages welcome.


Art Club Member rates: £3 per session.

Non members are welcome to join in at a cost of £6 per session.

Kit and Requirements

The Art Group has some basic stock kit however it is expected that most people will bring their own materials, especially specialist items.

If you are starting out or visiting the area and would like to join in please do come along – there will be basic materials for you to use.