The Objects of the Society are: –
(a) To arrange for the buildings and grounds to be used for the advancement of arts, heritage and culture. To provide facilities for the arts and provide heritage benefit to the community by preserving the listed building of Shambellie House (including any outbuildings or associated buildings and grounds).
(b) To arrange for the buildings and grounds to be used for the advancement of education, in particular arts, culture and the environment.
As a Member you will
- Help us keep Shambellie House and grounds for the community
- Demonstrate to potential funders that there is strong support for the project
- Be kept informed through our regular newsletter (paper and electronic)
- Be able to attend the AGM to approve the annual report and accounts as well as electing Trustees to the Board
- Be part of the wider consultation group as we work with partners to develop the project.
- All members have just one vote, regardless of how much they invest. Your shares can never be worth more than you paid for them.
- Also remember if you decide to stop being a member then the share(s) will be cancelled, and your payment can be reimbursed.