Textiles & Quilting

Woodland Birds: Free Motion Embroidery

From: £60.00

Saturday 9th August

10am until 4pm

Create a beautiful bird portrait in free motion embroidery inspired woodland birds of Shambellie House Grounds!

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Learn how to use your sewing machine as a drawing machine and create a beautiful woodland bird portrait. Inspired by the birds we see around at Shambellie we’ll create unique textile art works with free motion embroidery. We’ll learn how to transfer a design onto fabric, how to add different colours and textures with other fabrics and how to ‘draw’ with our sewing machines. No experience necessary and templates are provided but feel free to bring your own image if you’d like to.

Kit and Requirements

Sewing Machine
Darning foot for your sewing machine (sometimes called an embroidery foot) and a darning plate if you can’t lower the feed dogs on your machine
Fabric you’d like to work on (ideally a mid weight cotton, most fabrics can be used but avoid anything very lightweight, very heavyweight or anything stretchy) 1/4-1/2 metre should be more than enough

Scraps for applique if you have a colour/pattern you particularly want to use (I’ll have lots to choose from!)
Embroidery hoop
Machine embroidery threads if you have them
Design or image you’d like to work on (optional; I’ll provide templates but if there’s a design you particularly want to try feel free to bring along a picture!)

I will have spares of everything and also materials and threads you can use. There will be a charge of £5 per person for materials. 

About the Day

The workshop will take place in the Drawing Room at Shambellie House starting at 10am and finishing around 4pm. There will be refreshment breaks throughout the day and the price includes lunch and all tea/coffee and cake!

An additional cost of £5 is required to cover materials used.


If you have answered yes and would like to discuss your requirements then please get in touch.

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