Cloverglen was founded by Eric Bridgwood and has been providing support to people with disabilities in Dumfries and Galloway since 2003. Cloverglen work with people who have learning difficulties, mental health issues or are autistic.
Cloverglen are based in the Lodge of Shambellie House and from there they give the service users an opportunity to learn a variety of life skills as well as an opportunity to develop interests and hobbies. The service users love Shambellie House and are proud to support the management and maintenance of the grounds, keeping the house clean and walking the local footpaths which they keep clear for other walkers.
In addition to their work at Shambellie, Cloverglen also support people at home to maintain their independence as well as providing help to attend local and national venues of interest.
SRUC Barony
As part of our partnership with SRUC Barony, HND Wildlife and Conservation Management students at Barony are working with us on their Investigative Project, Eco-Surveying and Terrestrial Ecology modules. They will have the opportunity to survey our site as part of our Landscape Management Plan, compare trends from historical species data and collaborate with the local community to improve visitor services at Shambellie House. What a great opportunity!