Photography Festival People’s Choice Winners
Our Photography Festival has now ended and we were delighted with the positive comments from the hundreds of visitors who enjoyed it as well as the workshop participants and exhibitors who took part. This powerful exhibition had a strong message about community and the photographs revealed how this means very different things to different people. We are pleased to see Shambellie House developing it’s own community of people enjoying the opportunity to relax, learn and enjoy through photography in this wonderful local setting.
If you are interested in finding out more please check the website or email our lead photographer Laura Hudson Mackay ARPS who is based here and working out of Shambellie House. Contact us at
Annual subscriptions to the darkroom and digital suite are available with regular workshops, talks and exhibitions throughout the year – check out the website for details. If you missed out on the exhibition, watch this space for the touring locations of this years exhibition soon to be announced.

Winners of the ‘People’s Choice’ and the Shambellie Young Photographers 2024 were:
‘People’s Choice Adult’
Anne Marie Smith with ‘Bass Rock Community’
Numerous gannets living on the Bass Rock near North Berwick and taken during a boating trip around the rock.

‘People’s Choice Young Person Secondary School’
Louis McEwen aged 14, Dumfries Academy with ‘Natural Community’
Taken at Kirkconnell Flow Nature Reserve

‘People’s Choice’ Young Person Primary Category
Isabella Gerrity aged 9, New Abbey Primary with ‘Communiteddy’