We are hiring!
Subject to securing a package of funding, Shambellie House Trust is looking for two enthusiastic people for short term contracts with the Trust. We have two exciting opportunities for a part time Volunteer Coordinator and a Grounds and Community Engagement Lead. This is to support us with our Grounds and Community Project, funded to help us coordinate and grow the number of our volunteers and, develop our grounds for the benefits of our community by delivering our landscape management plan.
Do you like working in a small team?
Are you community focussed and good with people?
Do you enjoy the outdoors?
We are a flexible employer promoting fair work and are keen to hear from people in our local community interested in these opportunities. Job share will be considered. Download role descriptions and details of how to apply below or contact us for more information. These posts are part time for 6 months and subject to funding. We look forward to hearing from you.